As the title says, RPGs today have a major problem. I've played 2 of the supposed top RPGs in 2012 for PC: Guild Wars 2 and Diablo III. The main problem with these is that the original titles were super fun, but the recently released sequels are not nearly as fun. Could be because I'm a lot older and my tastes could have changed. But one game in particular seems to have its whole community in an uproar. This game, Diablo III is the infamous game I am speaking of. This game's predecessors Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction were all great games that I spent hours playing, and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction lasted about a decade and still sees regular players playing it to this day. But Diablo III, seems to have dropped in players in under a year. It was released on May 15, 2012, and as of now, January 5, 2013 (9 months later), its showing a drastic drop in players. One reason is because of the RMAH (Real Money Auction House). Basically allowing you ...