Serving communities

So I recently joined a club at my college called Circle K International. This club is a community service oriented club. Note this, I never did community service before I joined. Then after I joined, I've clocked in a whole ton of volunteer hours.

Many people know that college's look for community service when you apply. They don't just want to take in a student that had high grades but did nothing outside of school. Most students (like me) don't like serving because of the awkwardness one can feel when you don't know anybody and you are doing it. Also many people would think it is boring. But honestly in my experience of doing it since March of this year, its super rewarding. You meet a whole lot of new people. You even meet friends that will most likely be there for you for life. Not only that, but you'll meet some adults that will be better than most people that can advise you and even find you jobs because they know your dedication.

My main point in writing this is to say, whenever any of you get to college or even those of you currently attending one, find out if you have a Circle K club. Most likely you will. And if not, find some friends that would like to create one and you could charter your own. You could always go to the main website of Kiwanis International to search for your local Kiwanians contact number. (Note that Kiwanis is the adult level, Circle K is the College level, Builders club being adolescents, Aktion club is the level for adults with disabilities Kiwanis/K Kids is basically elementary school ages, and last but not least Key club which is high school level.) It will really pay off in the end. I've already been awarded a plaque for stepping up in hard times for my club and being a great secretary for my club.


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