The Non-Believer

We being human beings grew up believing in various things. Just to name a few; whether there is really a God, whether the government in our respective countries is hiding things from us that we ought to know. But we never really ask ourselves the big "w". Why? Why do we believe in such things. Why don't we try to question reality. I for one have started to question just about everything lately. Here's a list of things I have questioned so far about the life we live:

  • Is there really a God?
  • Are we really alone in the universe?
  • Do our governments really have information to hide about secret projects?
  • Are we just a simulation, or a dream? And if so, who is the dreamer?
The Holy Bible (Christianity's holy book)
Of course, there are strong believers of a God/Gods. And again, of course, there will always be strong believers in things other people/books tell us. But my question is "Does what someone/something tells you (even if they are PhD researchers/scientists) make their point true? Just because its written in a book that has no true author, does this make it valid?

I have friends that are strong believers in Jesus Christ, Allah, Jah, and a bunch of others. But again, whenever i ask them "What made you believe in your God?" Their answer is never straight forward, they always go on a rant about their holy book or something they were told to believe. Never have I heard a straight answer like "I believe in God because of this, this, and this. Now as I leave this first topic of this post, I'll finish with a question... If you believe in a God/Gods, why, do you believe in it? I want reasons, not excerpts from the holy book representing your religion, I want your personal reason as to why you chose to believe.

Now the rest of these will be kind of mashed together like potatoes on thanksgiving.

I personally do not believe that we are alone in this universe. As big as it is, there is no way we are the only intelligent lifeforms in existence. Why do I think this? Simple, but let me break it down with some definitions. 

The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of existence,[1][2][3][4] including planetsstarsgalaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and energy. - Wikipedia
Aliens (Extraterrestrial Life) -  life that does not originate from Earth. - Wikipedia
UFO - an unidentified flying object - Merriam-Webster Dictionary 

Now notice that the word UFO does NOT mean flying saucer or flying object from outer space. It simply means an object that we haven't identified that can fly.

A 2003 NASA WMAP Satellite image of the furthest we can see into the universe from Earth
But why do I think that we are not alone in this Universe? Because this universe is GINORMOUS. The image to the right has apparently taken 14 billion years to reach us. Now since I am no researcher or NASA scientist, I have no clue how it took 14 billion years to reach us when its only the year 2012 right now.

As a way to understand this better, think of how long it would take to drive from Manassas, VA (Virginia) to New York, NY without stopping for sleep. That's about 4 hours just to travel about 257 miles. 4 hours is just 1/6 of a day, and a day is 24 hours. So if it takes 1/6 of a day to travel just those short miles, it would take around 60,996,750,000 days just to travel to that point using our current automotive technology. Imagine how many planets could be between here and that point of the universe. Imagine how much life? That's my personal reason as to why I believe we are not alone.

Now for the government information hiding stuff. I personally think they are. Some of the reasons could be to make people not scared, to make it so that other countries cant misuse the information for their own reasons (humans are greedy folks). And another is just because they want to. Now people might think that last reason is pretty messed up.

But if you think about it, what makes us any different? We hide stuff from people too. Why? Because we don't want other people to misuse the info/objects. We don't want people upset. We just feel the need to be sneaky about stuff in general.

And lastly, I'll make this one brief since this post is already long enough. Are we just a simulation, a someone's dream? Never meant to really exist? Now this part was thought of by playing the game Kingdom Hearts. The game Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days asks that very thing. In the game, there are people called Nobodies, they live regular lives and they look just like you and I. Regular human beings.

But the thing about them is, they were actually never meant to exist. They are just a shadow of someone else. What about us?

If we were "Nobodies" hypothetically speaking of course? How would we know?

Things like these are why I don't believe things people or things tell me. The only way I can believe is if and only if, they have a source for their telling, and its been proven.


  1. I really like the site redesign! Good work! Much easier to read. As to your first question, yes I believe in "God." But I only use that term loosely. What I really believe in is a "source." I believe there is something kind of "universal mathematical intelligence" within that source. I also believe that there are multiple layers of reality/dimensions between us and that source. I believe beings from a "dimension" up from us (and beyond) are ones who are able to influence the thoughts of people in this dimension and they interpret it as the various Gods. I think some people get closer to the "source" than others.

    You're not alone in this kind of thinking. There are a lot of conspiracy theorists that have a lot to say on these types of topics. I would recommend taking anything anyone says as gospel (because then you're falling into the same trap you pointed out your religious minded friends fall into), but I'd check them out to get different perspectives. Google up David Icke if you've never ran into his stuff before. He as A LOT to say about secret governments, the nature of reality, etc.

    1. Took all of 2 hours to redesign this site. Was looking at a book by Stephen hawking, forgot the name though when I was typing this post. His mind wanders just like mine does, which is why I like things like that.

  2. I do strongly believe in God. There is no quotation marks around God because there is only one God. I believe in God not only because He created the universe and He is the only One we beings have to worship, but because He had done significant things in my life and I can testify to it.
    Ever since I was a little girl, His Hand has been on my life up till date and I am really thankful To God for that. I was born into a church, baptized into church, grew up in church, have best friends in church. Church seemed like just a place my parents wanted me to be, but as I grew up, I felt His presence around me. Its not like a magnetic field or a wave kinda feeling, its spiritual inside out and even those who have experienced cannot find enough words to explain it. I have been healed, delivered, and blessed by God. God's blessing have been in my life for a very long time. Material things and immaterial things he has blessed me with. He recently blessed me with a camera and i wasnt the least expecting it. You were even amazed when I showed it to you. The power of God is unimaginable and i cant wait for you to experience it in your life!

    1. Comments like this is what I want to see on here. Personal experiences/reasons. I completely understand where you're coming from about "church seemed like a place my parents wanted me to be." Thats about the part of life that people around our ages start to determine which track they will take, some choose to stick with churches, and others divide and manifest themselves elsewhere. I have a friend that grew up just like you, and then now, he divided from his usual church going ways of his past.

      So as always, these posts are conversational pieces. And a way to hear both sides in a casual manner to learn from other's experiences.

      Good to hear being a major part of a religion has done wonders for you. As we all know, it works differently for different people.

  3. Now this was an interesting post. I wouldn't have known you were influenced by Stephen Hawking until I read the comments on this individual post. Now he is a fascinating individual. Have you read "A Brief History of Time" by Hawking? That would really give you even more perspective on both the size and the scope of our universe.

    Do you jump around here in this post--and in academic writing, you'll want to harness that just a bit. You have so many good points and ideas, but let's consider some structure to enhance the discussion. For example: you mention Kingdom Hearts, but I have no idea what type of game that is. Computer? Cards? Board? I know you provide a link, but readers will need a bit more data right on the post coming from you. Maybe you can even do a whole post about the genre that we're just occupying someone else's dreams?


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